Shopify is upgrading the checkout experience and giving merchants more control. Here are the big developments you need to know about:
- Shopify Checkout Extensibility – Checkout.liquid will be fully deprecated for the Information, Shipping, and Payment pages in your checkout on August 13, 2024. Shopify Plus merchants can now use checkout extensibility to customize these pages instead (Shopify has created a handy upgrade guide if you are interested). Shopify Plus stores can use checkout extensibility to add apps and advanced branding customizations right now.
- One Page Checkout – On September 25, Shopify launched a new one-page checkout to all Shopify merchants who have upgraded to checkout extensibility. It’s a redesigned experience that’s shorter, faster, and more intuitive for buyers. We are seeing a lot of Shopify Plus merchants interested in testing out one page checkout and it is important to reiterate that your store has to be upgraded to checkout extensibility first.
- Shopify Functions – As of August 28, 2025 Shopify Scripts will be fully deprecated and replaced by Shopify Functions. Merchants that leverage Shopify Scripts will need to migrate to apps powered by Shopify Functions before this date. For example, you will be able to use Shopify Functions to create cart and checkout validations to ensure that purchases meet certain criteria before checking out, or completing an order.
There is a lot happening in the checkout space and it’s fantastic for Shopify merchants that want more control over their purchase funnel. In the short term it can be confusing with all the different feature updates and upgrades required, but long term this will give more functionality to Shopify merchants.
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