If you follow content marketing, you know there are a number of great resources out there. If you aren’t dialed into content marketing for your company, it’s time to get started! What are the benefits of content marketing? Foremost you increase customer engagement which in turn will increase sales. In addition you can expect to increase your SEO traffic which will also have a direct impact on sales. As a store owner here are some areas where you can develop content that matters.
Product Descriptions
Writing product descriptions is hard work, there are no 2 ways about it, but it’s important! Don’t use the generic descriptions provided by manufacturers as that non unique content can be very harmful to the SEO of your site. Be descriptive when you write your descriptions and don’t be afraid to be funny and even snarky.
Creating a blog that delivers value takes planning, research, commitment and help! If you want inspiration, check out the top 10 eCommerce blogs. You need to put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes to help brainstorm topics. What is interesting to the buyer? Do they want to read interviews you do with experts in the industry? How are you promoting your content? Are you accepting guest bloggers? The most important thing to do with blogging for your store is to show up. The sites that post regularly and add value are the blogs that get rewarded with the most traffic.
How to Guides
You can create how to guides to explain to your customers how they can use your products. Don’t be afraid to explore advanced use cases in your guides, think of detailed problems or use cases for your product when you create the guides. Introduce social proof, by including quotes from past customers on how they used your product. This is a critical step, many people don’t have the imagination to think of what they could do with your product, show them how with examples.
Don’t forget that design matters for your content. You need a great looking blog, you should consider hiring a designer to spiff up your PDF for your How to Guides and your product detail pages should looking outstanding. Remember image is everything!
If creating content by yourself is overwhelming, you’re not alone. You can get help and we have a free offer to get things jumpstarted. We are partners with Content Runner and if you send us an email we can set your account up with a $30 credit (limit 1 credit per company).